Mike bought the business in 2020 and is the driving force behind developing it into a nationwide entity. With years of experience in hospitality and having been the Operations Manager for Steevenson Wines for 8 years prior to buying the company, Mike knows the business inside out and has a great knowledge of the world of wine. His spare time (ha ha!) is spent walking Rufus and Eddie up on the moors, and he has recently taken up running!


Patrick is seldom in the office as he’s usually on the road meeting potential new customers and ensuring that our existing customers get the exact wines they need. With a young family, Patrick doesn’t have much time for hobbies, but when he does get some spare time, he goes hunting, foraging and fishing. He holds a WSET Diploma in Wines, so his knowledge is significant and he’s always happy to share it.


Having started her career in restaurant management, Laura took off and travelled around Asia for 6 months before returning to Blighty. She joined our team last year, bringing huge enthusiasm to the office. She has already made a big impact, winning over customers from far and wide. She’s a gym enthusiast, a keen footballer and the proud owner of a naughty Labrador. Laura also achieved distinction in her WSET Level 3 Award in Wines recently!


If it has been designed, printed or it’s on our website, Lauren probably created it from scratch. Lauren holds a WSET Level 2 Award in Wines so she is the go-to girl if you are holding an event or wedding as her attention to detail and knowledge of suitable wines is excellent. An ex-chef, this girl knows how to eat, and when she's not at work, she's usually found in her kitchen, walking Lola the dachshund or out in the countryside playing with horses.


Jess has learned a great deal in a short amount of time about running the warehouse as well as being interested in other areas of the business. Despite her young age, she is an absolute powerhouse, shifting wine cases, driving the forklift and managing our drivers! Working and looking after horses adds up to a pretty full week, so it's a good job she’s so much younger than the rest of us! She holds a WSET Level 2 Award in Wines so knows her stuff when it comes to advising on wines. 


Dave retired a few years ago and came in to buy some wine. He hasn’t managed to leave yet and lurks around the warehouse on Mondays and Fridays from noon onwards (he’s not an early riser). He’ll be very happy to help you choose something that’s right for you. Dave is training to be a Wine Educator, so when you come to tastings and educational events he’ll almost certainly be there!  


Chris joined us (officially) at the start of 2024, but had worked with us previously by assisting with all things tech related with our swanky new inventory system. With a background in software development, he is the driving force behind improving efficiency and accuracy in our day to day operations, as well as innovative new ideas such as the development of customer support systems and introducing new tech to our team. 


Chaos is never far away in this business, and Claire’s job is to bring order to the mayhem. With a background in teaching and event management, her organisational skills are second to none. Despite having the thickest Norn Iron accent, she managed to get into the England Masters hockey squad, and having a big wooden stick close by is quite handy. She and her family are the origina​l ‘fit family’ and can be found playing tennis, running or cycling in their spare time. She has no qualifications in wine, just drinks a lot of it and knows what she likes!


Alex has almost completed her WSET Diploma in Wines, so absolutely knows her stuff and is most impressive when hosting our wine-tasting events. As well as running her family’s wealth management company and a sheep farm in Wales, she sits on a variety of committees and is kept busy making sure her daughters have everything they need at college and university. Alex has a special interest in Champagne, but I guess that’s not surprising under the circumstances.


Steve has been a part of the business since pre-historic times. Over the years, he has developed the power to levitate boxes of wine. We’ve never seen this, but when he’s in the warehouse, everything seems to get put away in its rightful place as if by magic. Steve has a highly developed palate and a real in-depth knowledge of wine. When he’s not working he’s doing a little light exercise - such as a triathlon or Iron Man event. Rest is for wimps.


I don’t really need to introduce Rob. If you’ve ever had wine delivered you’ve probably met him. Everyone remembers him, and not just because he’s very tall! He’s the warm, friendly face of the company (and believe me we need some of those). Rob always goes the extra mile to ensure everything is just right.


Lola is in charge. Make no mistake. She may be little but she’s as feisty as she is affectionate. She and Lauren are pretty much inseparable and if Rufus and Eddie ever get a bit full of themselves we can rely on Lola to restore order! Although Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers and wild boar, Lola mainly hunts chicken nibbles these days.


Eddie (yes - Eddie the Beagle - we know!) is too little to lick most peoples’ faces, but he’s always there to watch Rufus do it! He’s also quite nervous of people, which is a shame because he’s a lovely chap. Beagles are escapologists and Eddie is no exception! He can undo door-handles and even round doorknobs so if you do see him it’s likely to be from behind as he legs it towards freedom…


Rufus is probably the most athletic dog you’ll ever meet. He’s very affectionate and evidently has a good palate - unfortunately he specialises in licking faces rather than wine, so you have been warned! He is half Beagle and Half Collie, and one half of a double act with his inseparable partner Eddie.